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How then do we as older mothers recover from these mental issues and take back our mental health? It’s simply this, a change of mindset and the perspective we view motherhood and our journey towards older motherhood.

We compromised and sacrificed early motherhood to pursue our goals, careers, dreams, desires all to achieve our purpose for that phase of life, because we are unfulfilled when we can’t achieve all we needed to be before becoming mothers albeit older motherhood.

When dealing with the feeling of isolation in whatever form it comes, know this, at best, it’s just a passing phase of your life, let your babies become your best buddies, oh there’d be days you’d beg for a break, but I m here to tell you, that there’d come a time you’d find yourself wondering how they grew so fast, you’d miss the pestering, the constant clinging and tantrums even, you’d want your baby back. Now is the time to enjoy every moment because they are precious and not permanent.

Most times, depression sets in because we have friends and families who had kids earlier and we see how grown their kids are, you’d be tempted to fall into the cold arms of regret, what comfort is that going to give you? Then there’s societal stigma, the society is wondering what business you have wanting kids in your 40’s and above and what you spent your 20’s and early 30’s doing.

This is where you find common ground, you are not alone, neither are you the first, seek support from an older motherhood community. We @momat4ty are a community of older moms winning in life together, we provide support for each other.

If you find yourself feeling depressed because of your new disorganized schedules and failure to keep up with your routine, this is where you realize that ‘change is always constant’, this is a new phase of your life where imperfection is your daily mantra.

We are not always prepared for what this whole phase of life comes with, it’s totally different from what we have read and learned about from other older moms’ experiences. This is now unique to you. For the well-being of your mental health, you need to look at the big picture, which is why did I become a mother at all? Dwell on the joys, find purpose in motherhood, you are making a generation that can either make or mar society at large.

A lot of us know what we went through to have our babies, we dealt with fertility issues, several failed IVF’s, hormones raging, etc. Are we now going to allow depression, anxiety, PTSD etc., steal our joy? Let’s deal with these mental health issues once and for all.

In conclusion, motherhood can be a challenging experience for any woman, but older moms may face unique mental health challenges. Perinatal mood disorders, menopause-related mood changes, and mid-life crises are just a few examples of issues that can arise. However, it is essential to know that these challenges are not impossible to overcome. There are various strategies that older moms can adopt to cope with these challenges and maintain their mental health. These include seeking professional help, joining a support group, making time for self-care, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. By taking proactive steps and reaching out for support, older moms can thrive in their new roles and enjoy the rewarding experience of motherhood. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength and not weakness.

If you find that you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, don’t hesitate to contact us as we have partnered with professionals like @thesoulcliniconline, and the good news is that they offer 15 minutes free counselling sessions when you go through @momat4ty.

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