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Ah, pregnancy! That beautiful time when you’re growing a whole tiny human inside you! But let’s be honest, all this baby-making business comes with a whole lot of talk-talk, and sometimes that talk can be straighter than a tailor’s tape measure. We’ve all heard the myths – eat for two, bed rest all day, morning sickness is a must – but hol-up, sis, let’s get real!

Remember that time your grandma told you having a baby at our age (35 and above) was impossible? Well, look at you now, a glowing mama about to defy the odds! And just like you’re breaking barriers, let’s break down some of these pregnancy myths that have been floating around longer than Agbada sleeves.

Myth #1: You gotta be Superwoman and eat for Two!

This one is a big NO-NO! We all know that Nigerian jollof rice is a national treasure, but there’s no need to double down during pregnancy. Focus on a balanced diet, mama. Think fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean protein. Your body will thank you, and trust us, those after-baby pounds won’t be your enemy!

Myth #2: Pregnancy means becoming a professional napper.

Mama, we need our rest, that’s for sure! But picture this: you, rocking some comfy jogger pants, taking a gentle stroll in the morning sun. Exercise is actually good for you and the little one. It keeps your joints happy (especially that pelvic region – you know what we mean!), improves your mood, and prepares you for that big day. Doctors advise at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week, you will thank me after delivery!

Myth #3: Morning sickness is a pregnancy’s right of passage.

While some mamas experience the joys of morning sickness (and may we offer some ginger tea for solidarity!), it’s not a badge everyone has to wear. Don’t stress if you’re not feeling the nausea. Every pregnancy is different, and yours might be a smooth sailing kind of journey (minus the occasional heartburn, of course!).

Myth #4: Pregnancy brain – it’s all in your head!

Okay, so maybe you forget where you put your phone more often than usual. Here’s the thing, Sis: hormones are powerful things. They can affect your memory and focus, but it doesn’t mean you’re losing your marbles! Embrace the “pregnancy brain” as a temporary bump in the road (pun intended!). Write things down, laugh it off with your girlfriends, and remember, it all goes back to normal after the little one arrives.

Myth #5: Traveling and working while pregnant? Na big bobo!

This one is a complete capping! With proper doctor’s advice and the right precautions, many women travel and even continue working during pregnancy. In fact, some of us have made some of our most cherished memories with a baby bump on board!

By debunking these myths, we’re all about empowering mamas like you to make informed choices and strut through pregnancy with confidence. Let’s break the silence, clear up the confusion, and support each other on this incredible journey to motherhood. Because remember, we’re all in this beautiful, baby-making business together!

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