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The news of pregnancy often comes with great excitement, the anticipation of what each day holds, the cravings and a unique set of joys and challenges. However, being pregnant with fibroid can overwhelm a mom-to-be for many reasons. We understand that this phase of life might come with some level of discomfort and loads of fear. Now the good news is, fibroids don’t have to dim the light of your pregnancy, so don’t panic. Yes, living with fibroids can be both painful, and at times scary, but you can still have a healthy pregnancy as well as enjoy every milestone along the way.

What Exactly Are Fibroids?
Let’s quickly recap the topic of our conversation, what is Fibroid, before we completely dive into the tips and other features of this article: Known also as leiomyomas, fibroids are benign tumours that grow in the uterus of fertile women. Pregnancy hormones like progesterone and estrogen can occasionally cause the fibroid to develop more quickly, but the size and quantity can vary.

Furthermore, fibroid tends to add a few more layers to a journey that is already overwhelming, because fibroids can be uncomfortable, complicated, and create anxiety in the pregnancy journey, but many moms before you have successfully managed fibroids during pregnancy,

Risks and Complications of Fibroids During Pregnancy
Undoubtedly, fibroids can complicate pregnancy; yet, this does not exclude a safe and enjoyable journey. The following are a few potential hazards:

• Preterm labour or miscarriage: Fibroids may occasionally cause the cervix to open prematurely before the pregnancy is full term or may produce irregular contractions.

• Problems with Fetal Growth: Large fibroids can compress the placenta, limiting the baby’s growth potential and creating discomfort. The placenta may separate due to fibroids pressing against it, resulting in placental disruption.

• Cesarean Section: Sometimes the fibroid position obstructs the delivery canal, necessitating a C-section. Don’t freak out just yet! You can successfully manage these dangers if you have the correct tactics; many mothers have, and you will too!

Five Strategies to Handle Fibroids and Carry Your Pregnancy to Term.

  1. Stay Close to Your Healthcare Team Your doctor is your best friend during this time. Be consistent with your prenatal visits and never hesitate to call if something feels off. Monitor your symptoms, especially if you’re experiencing severe pain, fever, or unusual bleeding. Keep a symptom journal to track your health daily and discuss any changes with your doctor. It’s also important to ask about regular pelvic scans to monitor your fibroids. One of the beauties of a regular pelvic scan is that it helps you to know your fibroid status and with this knowledge, you can measure if your lifestyle changes and medications are affecting the fibroid’s size. These changes will help you on a better strategic approach to managing Fibroid.
  2. Nourish Your Body with a Fibroid-Friendly Diet Healthy eating isn’t just for the baby, it’s also about keeping your fibroids in check. Processed foods, sugary snacks, and carbs can fuel fibroid growth, so opt for fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins instead. You have to completely remove some of those carb-heavy favourites like rice, soda, sugary drinks, cake, processed food, high sodium foods, red meat, semovita, eba etc for lighter options. The healthier your diet, the more you’ll keep those fibroids from growing during pregnancy. Adopting a new dietary lifestyle won’t come easy but with discipline, dedication and determination, you can shrink the fibroid rather than have it growing big with the baby. Keep in mind that healthy eating helps in significantly shrinking fibroids, hence you must be intentional both at home and at work.
  3. Stay Hydrated and Active Pregnancy-approved exercises, like light stretching, yoga, or walking, can work wonders for managing fibroid pain. Regular movement helps with circulation, stress relief, and even managing fibroid symptoms. Stay active, but always listen to your body. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water! Staying hydrated can reduce inflammation and keep your body functioning well during this time.
  4. Choose Courage over Fear Pregnancy with fibroids requires a strong mindset. It’s easy to get lost in fear, but faith and positivity are key to making it through. Speak words of encouragement to yourself and your baby. Focus on the good moments and trust that your body is capable. Surround yourself with things that lift your spirits, whether it’s music, meditation, or journaling your thoughts. A positive mindset can reduce stress and help you stay resilient.
  5. Join a Supportive Community You’re not alone in this journey! Joining a community of older moms going through similar challenges can offer emotional support and practical advice. At Momat4ty, we discuss tips on healthy living and we also support new moms and moms-to-be. We don’t stop there; we go further to remind each other that rest is non-negotiable. Don’t push yourself to the limit—take naps, rest when you can, and allow your body to recharge. With online communities, like the Momat4ty family, you have a great space to share experiences and stay informed. We have another community to share with you where you will find other moms helping each other out with diets, positive mindsets, and all the work.

In summary, keep in mind that you can do this! Although it can be difficult, living with fibroids while pregnant is completely manageable. You can have a happy, healthy pregnancy by seeking emotional support, staying active, eating nutritious meals and having a positive lifestyle, plus communicating openly with your medical team. You’re not alone in this, and you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for!

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